Update V1.3 - Hopefully good balancing changes

Hey guys, Jarrett here. Hope you had (or are having) a good weekend, today I present you a new update for ALWD for the cool kids (That's you, the reader <3).

TL;DR: Game is more forgiving and requires just a bit more skill and less luck

Change #1: Press R twice to restart (useful for situations where you want to give up and just restart quickly)

Change #2: Getting hit will grant you 3 seconds of invincibility (No more losing 3 hearts in 3 seconds)

Change #3: Holding S or Down-Arrow will make you fall faster (Great for cancelling jumps or stomping enemies)

Change #4: Enemies turn closer to the walls and edges (Makes it easier for you to judge when the enemies will turn)

Change #5: Bullets start decaying after 8 seconds (Goodbye bullets that linger forever) Note that they will still hurt you until the particles stop emitting!

Change #6: Turrets now only care if you are on the same level and will stop shooting at you when you go down (No more sniper turrets shooting at you 2 levels above)

Change #7: "Dead" bullets now wrap around the level (Killing enemies at the edges are now deadlier

Change #8: Wow! More points for killing enemies! (Maybe the points reward is worth it after all...)

Other Changes:

  • Level generation made more consistent (Goodbye to 4 enemies on a level out of nowhere and vast empty levels)
  • Updated tutorial and main menu scenes to reflect changes
  • Updated save system (Still can't save between updates though! Sorry!)
  • Boring bug fixes

That covers all the major changes made in this version! Sorry about the high score wipe between updates but I hope you have fun playing! (And feel free to leave feedback for improvement)

Get A Long Way Down

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