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This game's idea and mechanics are really cool. I would say the jump sound is just loud enough to be annoying though

it is my first time to paly the game and this my record

Just getting started.

(3 edits)

Good news, bad news. Love the shrinking bullets and the point increase from the enemies. Makes it waaaay more tempting to stomp them, or at least less mad when I stomp one by accident. Bad news is still pretty funny news, though.

lmao, thanks for finding that surprise mechanic bug, ill add fixing it to my tasks for next week.



Wow, thanks for being very dedicated and playing for like 5+ hours, well deserved victory! Also I've watch the 30 minutes video of you suffering playing and would like to share a list of changes I would make when I'm free to update this game.

  • Restart key button for quick restart
  • Stats count tracker (Deaths, kills, lifetime points, etc)
  • Bullets life decay (goodbye lingering shallow bullets)
  • Make enemies turn closer to the obstacles (instead of halfway across the world)
  • Reduce turret sensor range (so they stop shooting after 1 level)
  • No damage grace period after hit
  • Lessen the pacifist bonus penalty for killing
  • Add fast falling on "down" press
  • Reduce the difficulty curve
  • Redo enemy spawn balancing (Life will stop shoving 50 lemons down your throat every 5 levels)
  • Karma "Dead" bullet should wrap
  • Increase points for killing enemies owo

Although updating the game won't save high scores so that's a problem.

That's fine. Let me know when you get it updated and I'll see about posting another high score!

Just posted an update and a dev log for the changes! There's still a lot I want to add but that will have to wait till next weekend.

Hey! Are you guys in our discord?


Yeah we are [✡Mythical ]MagicalPony and Jun Rong

Your browser does not support any of the required graphics API for this content. how to fix

(1 edit)

Sorry! The only ways to fix this are to either

  1. Update your browser version
  2. Change browsers 
  3. Download the zip of the game for your platform instead

For reference, can you tell us the browser you are using?


Really cool! I wish there was an option to fastfall though. -KB


Thanks for hosting this game jam and trying out our game! The fastfall mechanic was considered but unfortunately we did not have enough time. Glad you enjoyed playing the game :)

Thanks for playing! Are we allowed to update the web version of ALWD after the jam voting/competition ends?


I cannot rate this game even though it's good.